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sopc_builtintypes.h File Reference
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "sopc_dict.h"
#include "sopc_encodeabletype.h"
#include "sopc_enums.h"
#include "sopc_numeric_range.h"
#include "sopc_singly_linked_list.h"
#include "s2opc_common_export.h"

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Data Structures

struct  SOPC_String
 This structure provides string encapsulation. More...
struct  SOPC_Guid
struct  SOPC_NodeId
 This structure describes a basic NodeID in OPC UA. More...
struct  SOPC_ExpandedNodeId
 ExpandedNodeId allows the namespace to be specified explicitly as a string or with an index in the Server’s namespace table. More...
struct  SOPC_DiagnosticInfo
 This structure provides vendor specific diagnostic information. More...
struct  SOPC_QualifiedName
struct  SOPC_LocalizedText
struct  SOPC_ExtensionObject
 An ExtensionObject is a container for any Structured DataTypes which cannot be encoded as one of the other built-in data types. it contains fields that describes which data is transported and how it is described. More...
union  SOPC_VariantArrayValue
 This union provides all possible contents for Variant arrays, depending on their SOPC_BuiltinId. More...
union  SOPC_VariantValue
 This union provides all possible contents for Variant, depending on their SOPC_BuiltinId. More...
struct  SOPC_Variant
 This structure provides variant encapsulation. More...
struct  SOPC_DataValue
 Each attribute in OPC UA has a DataValue caracterized by the following structure. More...
struct  SOPC_BuiltInType_Handling
 Built-in type handling. Provides all the generic service functions associated with a built-in type (except encoders and decoders which are declared in struct SOPC_BuiltInType_Encoders). Also define the allocation size of objects of a built-in type. More...


#define SOPC_GoodGenericStatus   0x00000000
 A generic Good status code.
#define SOPC_GoodStatusOppositeMask   0xC0000000
 An opposite mask for Good status code: Good status <=> (status & SOPC_GoodStatusOppositeMask) == 0.
#define SOPC_UncertainStatusMask   0x40000000
 Masks to check status for Uncertain/Bad/Reserved status code: X status <=> (status & SOPC_<X>StatusMask) != 0.
#define SOPC_BadStatusMask   0x80000000
#define SOPC_DataValueOverflowStatusMask   0x00000480
 Mask to check status contains the DataValue overflow bit set (InfoType DataValue bit + Overflow bit)
#define SECURITY_POLICY_NONE   "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None"
#define SECURITY_POLICY_BASIC128RSA15   "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic128Rsa15"
#define SECURITY_POLICY_BASIC256   "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256"
#define SECURITY_POLICY_BASIC256SHA256   "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256Sha256"


typedef uint32_t SOPC_StatusCode
typedef enum _SOPC_AttributeId SOPC_AttributeId
 Enumerated for all possible OPC UA attribute ids.
typedef enum _SOPC_BuiltinId SOPC_BuiltinId
typedef uint8_t SOPC_Byte
typedef SOPC_Byte SOPC_Boolean
typedef int8_t SOPC_SByte
typedef struct SOPC_String SOPC_String
 This structure provides string encapsulation.
typedef SOPC_String SOPC_XmlElement
typedef SOPC_String SOPC_ByteString
typedef int64_t SOPC_DateTime
 OPC UA timestamp format which is 100 nanoseconds from 1601/01/01 00:00:00 UTC.
typedef struct SOPC_Guid SOPC_Guid
typedef enum _SOPC_IdentifierType SOPC_IdentifierType
 This enum provides fundamental identifier type.
typedef struct SOPC_NodeId SOPC_NodeId
 This structure describes a basic NodeID in OPC UA.
typedef struct SOPC_ExpandedNodeId SOPC_ExpandedNodeId
 ExpandedNodeId allows the namespace to be specified explicitly as a string or with an index in the Server’s namespace table.
typedef struct SOPC_DiagnosticInfo SOPC_DiagnosticInfo
 This structure provides vendor specific diagnostic information.
typedef struct SOPC_QualifiedName SOPC_QualifiedName
typedef struct SOPC_LocalizedText SOPC_LocalizedText
typedef enum _SOPC_ExtObjectBodyEncoding SOPC_ExtObjectBodyEncoding
 This enum provides additional information on which data type format transported.
typedef struct SOPC_ExtensionObject SOPC_ExtensionObject
 An ExtensionObject is a container for any Structured DataTypes which cannot be encoded as one of the other built-in data types. it contains fields that describes which data is transported and how it is described.
typedef enum _SOPC_VariantArrayTypeFlag SOPC_VariantArrayTypeFlag
typedef enum _SOPC_VariantArrayType SOPC_VariantArrayType
typedef union SOPC_VariantArrayValue SOPC_VariantArrayValue
 This union provides all possible contents for Variant arrays, depending on their SOPC_BuiltinId.
typedef union SOPC_VariantValue SOPC_VariantValue
 This union provides all possible contents for Variant, depending on their SOPC_BuiltinId.
typedef struct SOPC_Variant SOPC_Variant
 This structure provides variant encapsulation.
typedef struct SOPC_DataValue SOPC_DataValue
 Each attribute in OPC UA has a DataValue caracterized by the following structure.
typedef SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_VariantValue_PfnCompCustom(const void *customContext, SOPC_BuiltinId builtInTypeId, const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *compResult)
 Generic comparison function type for values contained in a variant.
typedef struct SOPC_BuiltInType_Handling SOPC_BuiltInType_Handling
 Built-in type handling. Provides all the generic service functions associated with a built-in type (except encoders and decoders which are declared in struct SOPC_BuiltInType_Encoders). Also define the allocation size of objects of a built-in type.


enum  _SOPC_AttributeId {
  SOPC_AttributeId_Invalid = 0 , SOPC_AttributeId_NodeId = 1 , SOPC_AttributeId_NodeClass = 2 , SOPC_AttributeId_BrowseName = 3 ,
  SOPC_AttributeId_DisplayName = 4 , SOPC_AttributeId_Description = 5 , SOPC_AttributeId_WriteMask = 6 , SOPC_AttributeId_UserWriteMask = 7 ,
  SOPC_AttributeId_IsAbstract = 8 , SOPC_AttributeId_Symmetric = 9 , SOPC_AttributeId_InverseName = 10 , SOPC_AttributeId_ContainsNoLoops = 11 ,
  SOPC_AttributeId_EventNotifier = 12 , SOPC_AttributeId_Value = 13 , SOPC_AttributeId_DataType = 14 , SOPC_AttributeId_ValueRank = 15 ,
  SOPC_AttributeId_ArrayDimensions = 16 , SOPC_AttributeId_AccessLevel = 17 , SOPC_AttributeId_UserAccessLevel = 18 , SOPC_AttributeId_MinimumSamplingInterval = 19 ,
  SOPC_AttributeId_Historizing = 20 , SOPC_AttributeId_Executable = 21 , SOPC_AttributeId_UserExecutable = 22 , SOPC_AttributeId_DataTypeDefinition = 23 ,
  SOPC_AttributeId_RolePermissions = 24 , SOPC_AttributeId_UserRolePermissions = 25 , SOPC_AttributeId_AccessRestrictions = 26 , SOPC_AttributeId_AccessLevelEx = 27
 Enumerated for all possible OPC UA attribute ids. More...
enum  _SOPC_BuiltinId {
  SOPC_Null_Id = 0 , SOPC_Boolean_Id = 1 , SOPC_SByte_Id = 2 , SOPC_Byte_Id = 3 ,
  SOPC_Int16_Id = 4 , SOPC_UInt16_Id = 5 , SOPC_Int32_Id = 6 , SOPC_UInt32_Id = 7 ,
  SOPC_Int64_Id = 8 , SOPC_UInt64_Id = 9 , SOPC_Float_Id = 10 , SOPC_Double_Id = 11 ,
  SOPC_String_Id = 12 , SOPC_DateTime_Id = 13 , SOPC_Guid_Id = 14 , SOPC_ByteString_Id = 15 ,
  SOPC_XmlElement_Id = 16 , SOPC_NodeId_Id = 17 , SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Id = 18 , SOPC_StatusCode_Id = 19 ,
  SOPC_QualifiedName_Id = 20 , SOPC_LocalizedText_Id = 21 , SOPC_ExtensionObject_Id = 22 , SOPC_DataValue_Id = 23 ,
  SOPC_Variant_Id = 24 , SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Id = 25
enum  _SOPC_IdentifierType { SOPC_IdentifierType_Numeric = 0x00 , SOPC_IdentifierType_String = 0x01 , SOPC_IdentifierType_Guid = 0x02 , SOPC_IdentifierType_ByteString = 0x03 }
 This enum provides fundamental identifier type. More...
enum  _SOPC_ExtObjectBodyEncoding { SOPC_ExtObjBodyEncoding_None = 0x00 , SOPC_ExtObjBodyEncoding_ByteString = 0x01 , SOPC_ExtObjBodyEncoding_XMLElement = 0x02 , SOPC_ExtObjBodyEncoding_Object = 0x03 }
 This enum provides additional information on which data type format transported. More...
enum  _SOPC_VariantArrayTypeFlag { SOPC_VariantArrayValueFlag = 128 , SOPC_VariantArrayDimensionsFlag = 64 }
enum  _SOPC_VariantArrayType { SOPC_VariantArrayType_SingleValue = 0x0 , SOPC_VariantArrayType_Array = 0x1 , SOPC_VariantArrayType_Matrix = 0x2 }


bool SOPC_IsGoodStatus (SOPC_StatusCode status)
 Evaluates if the provided status is Good.
SOPC_StatusCode SOPC_StatusCode_ToTcpErrorCode (SOPC_StatusCode status)
 Restricts and converts the status code to the only status code authorized for TCP error code.
void SOPC_Boolean_Initialize (SOPC_Boolean *b)
 Initialize a pointer for a specific builtintype (Boolean, String, Int16...)
void SOPC_Boolean_InitializeAux (void *value)
 Initialize a generic pointer using cast method.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Boolean_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
 Copy the content of a generic pointer to another one.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Boolean_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
 Compare the content of a generic pointer to another one and set the result in the comparison parameter.
void SOPC_Boolean_Clear (SOPC_Boolean *b)
 Clear the content of a specific builtintype pointer.
void SOPC_Boolean_ClearAux (void *value)
 Clear the content of a generic pointer.
void SOPC_SByte_Initialize (SOPC_SByte *sbyte)
void SOPC_SByte_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SByte_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SByte_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_SByte_Clear (SOPC_SByte *sbyte)
void SOPC_SByte_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_Byte_Initialize (SOPC_Byte *byte)
void SOPC_Byte_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Byte_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Byte_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_Byte_Clear (SOPC_Byte *byte)
void SOPC_Byte_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_Int16_Initialize (int16_t *intv)
void SOPC_Int16_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Int16_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Int16_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_Int16_Clear (int16_t *intv)
void SOPC_Int16_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_UInt16_Initialize (uint16_t *uint)
void SOPC_UInt16_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_UInt16_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_UInt16_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_UInt16_Clear (uint16_t *uint)
void SOPC_UInt16_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_Int32_Initialize (int32_t *intv)
void SOPC_Int32_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Int32_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Int32_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_Int32_Clear (int32_t *intv)
void SOPC_Int32_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_UInt32_Initialize (uint32_t *uint)
void SOPC_UInt32_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_UInt32_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_UInt32_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_UInt32_Clear (uint32_t *uint)
void SOPC_UInt32_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_Int64_Initialize (int64_t *intv)
void SOPC_Int64_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Int64_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Int64_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_Int64_Clear (int64_t *intv)
void SOPC_Int64_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_UInt64_Initialize (uint64_t *uint)
void SOPC_UInt64_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_UInt64_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_UInt64_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_UInt64_Clear (uint64_t *uint)
void SOPC_UInt64_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_Float_Initialize (float *f)
void SOPC_Float_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Float_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Float_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_Float_Clear (float *f)
void SOPC_Float_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_Double_Initialize (double *d)
void SOPC_Double_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Double_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Double_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_Double_Clear (double *d)
void SOPC_Double_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_ByteString_Initialize (SOPC_ByteString *bstring)
void SOPC_ByteString_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ByteStringSOPC_ByteString_Create (void)
 Create a valid specific builtintype pointer.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ByteString_InitializeFixedSize (SOPC_ByteString *bstring, uint32_t size)
 Allocate a number of size bytes and initialize its content to "0", this allocation looks like calloc function.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ByteString_CopyFromBytes (SOPC_ByteString *dest, const SOPC_Byte *bytes, int32_t length)
 Return a deep copy of a Byte array.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ByteString_Copy (SOPC_ByteString *dest, const SOPC_ByteString *src)
 Return a deep copy of another ByteString. See SOPC_ByteString_CopyFromBytes.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ByteString_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
void SOPC_ByteString_Clear (SOPC_ByteString *bstring)
void SOPC_ByteString_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_ByteString_Delete (SOPC_ByteString *bstring)
 Free a specific builtintype pointer thus it will transform it into an invalid pointer.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ByteString_Compare (const SOPC_ByteString *left, const SOPC_ByteString *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ByteString_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
bool SOPC_ByteString_Equal (const SOPC_ByteString *left, const SOPC_ByteString *right)
 Compare the content of two specific builtintype pointer and return true or false according to the result.
void SOPC_String_Initialize (SOPC_String *string)
void SOPC_String_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_StringSOPC_String_Create (void)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_CopyFromCString (SOPC_String *string, const char *cString)
 Copy a C-String to the Data field of the SOPC_String object.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_InitializeFromCString (SOPC_String *string, const char *cString)
 Initialize the content of a specific builtintype pointer with a C-String.
char * SOPC_String_GetCString (const SOPC_String *string)
 Retrieve the C-String of a SOPC_String pointer or '\0' for a SOPC_String with length <= 0.
const char * SOPC_String_GetRawCString (const SOPC_String *string)
 Retrieve the raw C-String of a SOPC_String pointer or '\0' for a SOPC_String with length <= 0.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_AttachFrom (SOPC_String *dest, SOPC_String *src)
 Create a shallow copy of src into dest. The src string must not be cleared before dest is cleared.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_AttachFromCstring (SOPC_String *dest, const char *src)
 Create a shallow copy of src (C-String) into dest. The src string must not be freed/modified before dest is cleared.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_Copy (SOPC_String *dest, const SOPC_String *src)
 Create a copy of src into dest.
void SOPC_String_Clear (SOPC_String *bstring)
void SOPC_String_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_String_Delete (SOPC_String *bstring)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_Compare (const SOPC_String *left, const SOPC_String *right, bool ignoreCase, int32_t *comparison)
 Compare the content of a String pointer to another one and set the result in the comparison parameter.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
bool SOPC_String_Equal (const SOPC_String *left, const SOPC_String *right)
const char ** SOPC_String_GetRawCStringArray (int32_t nbOfStrings, SOPC_String *stringArray)
 Returns a NULL terminated C-string array without copying the strings. The caller is responsible to NOT modify the content of the returned array and to call SOPC_Free on the array (and NOT the array content) after use.
char ** SOPC_String_GetCStringArray (int32_t nbOfStrings, SOPC_String *stringArray)
 Returns a NULL terminated C-string array copying the strings.
void SOPC_XmlElement_Initialize (SOPC_XmlElement *xmlElt)
void SOPC_XmlElement_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_XmlElement_Copy (SOPC_XmlElement *dest, const SOPC_XmlElement *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_XmlElement_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_XmlElement_Compare (const SOPC_XmlElement *left, const SOPC_XmlElement *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_XmlElement_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_XmlElement_Clear (SOPC_XmlElement *xmlElt)
void SOPC_XmlElement_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_DateTime_Initialize (SOPC_DateTime *dateTime)
void SOPC_DateTime_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DateTime_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DateTime_Compare (const SOPC_DateTime *left, const SOPC_DateTime *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DateTime_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_DateTime_Clear (SOPC_DateTime *dateTime)
void SOPC_DateTime_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_Guid_Initialize (SOPC_Guid *guid)
void SOPC_Guid_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Guid_FromCString (SOPC_Guid *guid, const char *str, size_t len)
char * SOPC_Guid_ToCString (const SOPC_Guid *guid)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Guid_Copy (SOPC_Guid *dest, const SOPC_Guid *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Guid_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Guid_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Guid_Compare (const SOPC_Guid *left, const SOPC_Guid *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_Guid_Clear (SOPC_Guid *guid)
void SOPC_Guid_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_NodeId_Initialize (SOPC_NodeId *nodeId)
void SOPC_NodeId_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_NodeId_Copy (SOPC_NodeId *dest, const SOPC_NodeId *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_NodeId_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
void SOPC_NodeId_Clear (SOPC_NodeId *nodeId)
void SOPC_NodeId_ClearAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_NodeId_Compare (const SOPC_NodeId *left, const SOPC_NodeId *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_NodeId_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
bool SOPC_NodeId_Equal (const SOPC_NodeId *left, const SOPC_NodeId *right)
bool SOPC_NodeId_IsNull (const SOPC_NodeId *nodeId)
void SOPC_NodeId_Hash (const SOPC_NodeId *nodeId, uint64_t *hash)
char * SOPC_NodeId_ToCString (const SOPC_NodeId *nodeId)
 Allocates a C string containing the normalized representation of a NodeId. Must be freed by caller after use.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_NodeId_InitializeFromCString (SOPC_NodeId *pNid, const char *cString, int32_t len)
 Initializes a NodeId from a normalized C string. See SOPC_String_InitializeFromCString.
SOPC_NodeIdSOPC_NodeId_FromCString (const char *cString, int32_t len)
 Alloacates and initializes a NodeId from a normalized C string. See SOPC_String_InitializeFromCString.
SOPC_DictSOPC_NodeId_Dict_Create (bool free_keys, SOPC_Dict_Free_Fct value_free)
 Creates a dictionary which keys are NodeId.
void SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Initialize (SOPC_ExpandedNodeId *expNodeId)
void SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Copy (SOPC_ExpandedNodeId *dest, const SOPC_ExpandedNodeId *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Compare (const SOPC_ExpandedNodeId *left, const SOPC_ExpandedNodeId *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Clear (SOPC_ExpandedNodeId *expNodeId)
void SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_StatusCode_Initialize (SOPC_StatusCode *status)
void SOPC_StatusCode_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_StatusCode_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_StatusCode_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_StatusCode_Clear (SOPC_StatusCode *status)
void SOPC_StatusCode_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Initialize (SOPC_DiagnosticInfo *diagInfo)
void SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Copy (SOPC_DiagnosticInfo *dest, const SOPC_DiagnosticInfo *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Compare (const SOPC_DiagnosticInfo *left, const SOPC_DiagnosticInfo *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Clear (SOPC_DiagnosticInfo *diagInfo)
void SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_QualifiedName_Initialize (SOPC_QualifiedName *qname)
void SOPC_QualifiedName_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_QualifiedName_Copy (SOPC_QualifiedName *dest, const SOPC_QualifiedName *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_QualifiedName_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_QualifiedName_Compare (const SOPC_QualifiedName *left, const SOPC_QualifiedName *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_QualifiedName_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_QualifiedName_Clear (SOPC_QualifiedName *qname)
void SOPC_QualifiedName_ClearAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_QualifiedName_ParseCString (SOPC_QualifiedName *qname, const char *str)
char * SOPC_QualifiedName_ToCString (const SOPC_QualifiedName *qname)
void SOPC_LocalizedText_Initialize (SOPC_LocalizedText *localizedText)
void SOPC_LocalizedText_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_Copy (SOPC_LocalizedText *dest, const SOPC_LocalizedText *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_Compare (const SOPC_LocalizedText *left, const SOPC_LocalizedText *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_LocalizedText_Clear (SOPC_LocalizedText *localizedText)
void SOPC_LocalizedText_ClearAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_CopyFromArray (SOPC_LocalizedText *destSetOfLt, int32_t nbElts, const SOPC_LocalizedText *srcArrayOfLt)
 Copy into the given empty localized text an array of localized text to create a LocalizedText set. Note: array is considered to contain only LocalizedText single values (other values than default fields are ignored)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_CopyToArray (SOPC_LocalizedText **dstArray, int32_t *nbElts, const SOPC_LocalizedText *srcSetOfLt)
 Copy into a new LocalizedText array the content of a LocalizedText set (or single value).
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_AddOrSetLocale (SOPC_LocalizedText *destSetOfLt, char **supportedLocaleIds, const SOPC_LocalizedText *src)
 Add a src LocalizedText to the LocalizedText list of dest. If locale already exists overwrite it, if it is a NULL LocalizedText clear all localized text stored Note: src shall not contain a list of localized text, only default localized text fields.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_GetPreferredLocale (SOPC_LocalizedText *dest, char **preferredLocaleIds, const SOPC_LocalizedText *srcSetOfLt)
 Set the single localized text dest with preferred locale from the multiple localized texts contained in src. The preferred locale is selected using the preferred locale Ids array localeIds (ordered by preference priority).
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedTextArray_GetPreferredLocale (SOPC_LocalizedText *dest, char **preferredLocaleIds, int32_t nbLocalizedText, const SOPC_LocalizedText *srcArray)
void SOPC_ExtensionObject_Initialize (SOPC_ExtensionObject *extObj)
void SOPC_ExtensionObject_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExtensionObject_Copy (SOPC_ExtensionObject *dest, const SOPC_ExtensionObject *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExtensionObject_Move (SOPC_ExtensionObject *dest, SOPC_ExtensionObject *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExtensionObject_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExtensionObject_Compare (const SOPC_ExtensionObject *left, const SOPC_ExtensionObject *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExtensionObject_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_ExtensionObject_Clear (SOPC_ExtensionObject *extObj)
void SOPC_ExtensionObject_ClearAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExtensionObject_CreateObject (SOPC_ExtensionObject *extObject, SOPC_EncodeableType *encTyp, void **encObject)
 Create an encodeable object of the given encodeable type and set it in the given extension object.
SOPC_VariantSOPC_Variant_Create (void)
 allocates and return a SOPC_Variant
void SOPC_Variant_Initialize (SOPC_Variant *variant)
 Initialize a Variant. Do not initialize existing variants without clearing them first.
bool SOPC_Variant_Initialize_Array (SOPC_Variant *var, SOPC_BuiltinId builtInId, int32_t length)
 Initialize a Variant as an array of given length. Do not initialize existing variants without clearing them first.
void SOPC_Null_ClearAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Null_CompareAux (const void *dest, const void *src, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Null_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
void SOPC_Variant_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_Copy (SOPC_Variant *dest, const SOPC_Variant *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_HasRange (const SOPC_Variant *variant, const SOPC_NumericRange *range, bool fullRange, bool *hasRange)
 Checks if the given range is valid for the given variant:
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_GetRange (SOPC_Variant *dst, const SOPC_Variant *src, const SOPC_NumericRange *range)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_SetRange (SOPC_Variant *dst, const SOPC_Variant *src, const SOPC_NumericRange *range)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_ShallowCopy (SOPC_Variant *dst, const SOPC_Variant *src)
void SOPC_Variant_Move (SOPC_Variant *dest, SOPC_Variant *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_Compare (const SOPC_Variant *left, const SOPC_Variant *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_CompareCustom (SOPC_VariantValue_PfnCompCustom *compCustom, const void *compCustomContext, const SOPC_Variant *left, const SOPC_Variant *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_CompareRange (const SOPC_Variant *left, const SOPC_Variant *right, const SOPC_NumericRange *range, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_CompareCustomRange (SOPC_VariantValue_PfnCompCustom *compCustom, const void *compCustomContext, const SOPC_Variant *left, const SOPC_Variant *right, const SOPC_NumericRange *range, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_Variant_Clear (SOPC_Variant *variant)
void SOPC_Variant_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_Variant_Delete (SOPC_Variant *variant)
void SOPC_Variant_Print (const SOPC_Variant *variant)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_Dump (SOPC_Buffer *buf, const SOPC_Variant *variant)
 Print the variant into the buffer data bytes from the buffer position (adapting buffer position and length if necessary). This function only provides a "shallow" dump.:
int32_t SOPC_Variant_GetArrayOrMatrixLength (const SOPC_Variant *var)
 Returns the number of values contained in a Variant with Array or Matrix value type. It might be used in combination with SOPC_VARIANT_GET_ARRAY_VALUES_PTR macro to iterate over all values in a generic way for array and matrix variants of a known variant type.
const void * SOPC_Variant_Get_SingleValue (const SOPC_Variant *var, SOPC_BuiltinId builtInTypeId)
const void * SOPC_Variant_Get_ArrayValue (const SOPC_Variant *var, SOPC_BuiltinId builtInTypeId, int32_t index)
bool SOPC_Variant_CopyInto_ArrayValueAt (SOPC_Variant *dest, SOPC_BuiltinId builtInTypeId, int32_t index, const void *value)
SOPC_NodeIdSOPC_Variant_Get_DataType (const SOPC_Variant *var)
 Returns the DataType identifier of the given variant as a newly allocated NodeId For built-in types except for ExtensionObject variant: built-in type NodeId is returned (single value / array) For ExtensionObject built-in type:
int32_t SOPC_Variant_Get_ValueRank (const SOPC_Variant *var)
bool SOPC_ValueRank_IsAssignableInto (int32_t dest_ValueRank, int32_t src_valueRank)
void SOPC_DataValue_Initialize (SOPC_DataValue *dataValue)
void SOPC_DataValue_InitializeAux (void *value)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DataValue_Copy (SOPC_DataValue *dest, const SOPC_DataValue *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DataValue_CopyAux (void *dest, const void *src)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DataValue_Compare (const SOPC_DataValue *left, const SOPC_DataValue *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DataValue_CompareAux (const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *comparison)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DataValue_CompareRange (const SOPC_DataValue *left, const SOPC_DataValue *right, const SOPC_NumericRange *range, int32_t *comparison)
void SOPC_DataValue_Clear (SOPC_DataValue *dataValue)
void SOPC_DataValue_ClearAux (void *value)
void SOPC_Initialize_Array (int32_t noOfElts, void *eltsArray, size_t sizeOfElt, SOPC_EncodeableObject_PfnInitialize *initFct)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Copy_Array (int32_t noOfElts, void *eltsArrayDest, const void *eltsArraySrc, size_t sizeOfElt, SOPC_EncodeableObject_PfnCopy *opFct)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Comp_Array (int32_t noOfElts, const void *eltsArrayLeft, const void *eltsArrayRight, size_t sizeOfElt, SOPC_EncodeableObject_PfnComp *compFct, int32_t *comparisonResult)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_CompCustom_Array (int32_t noOfElts, const void *eltsArrayLeft, const void *eltsArrayRight, size_t sizeOfElt, SOPC_VariantValue_PfnCompCustom *compCustomFct, const void *customCompContext, SOPC_BuiltinId builtInId, int32_t *comparisonResult)
void SOPC_Clear_Array (int32_t *noOfElts, void **eltsArray, size_t sizeOfElt, SOPC_EncodeableObject_PfnClear *clearFct)


S2OPC_COMMON_EXPORT const SOPC_NodeIdSOPC_BuiltInTypeId_To_DataTypeNodeId [26]
S2OPC_COMMON_EXPORT const SOPC_BuiltInType_Handling SOPC_BuiltInType_HandlingTable [SOPC_BUILTINID_MAX+1]
 Table of all built-in type handlers. To be indexed with a SOPC_BuiltinId. Provides all the generic service functions associated with each built-in type.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ SOPC_GoodGenericStatus

#define SOPC_GoodGenericStatus   0x00000000

A generic Good status code.

◆ SOPC_GoodStatusOppositeMask

#define SOPC_GoodStatusOppositeMask   0xC0000000

An opposite mask for Good status code: Good status <=> (status & SOPC_GoodStatusOppositeMask) == 0.

◆ SOPC_UncertainStatusMask

#define SOPC_UncertainStatusMask   0x40000000

Masks to check status for Uncertain/Bad/Reserved status code: X status <=> (status & SOPC_<X>StatusMask) != 0.

◆ SOPC_BadStatusMask

#define SOPC_BadStatusMask   0x80000000

◆ SOPC_DataValueOverflowStatusMask

#define SOPC_DataValueOverflowStatusMask   0x00000480

Mask to check status contains the DataValue overflow bit set (InfoType DataValue bit + Overflow bit)




eltTypeName )
(SOPC_VariantArrayType_Array == pVar->ArrayType \
? pVar->Value.Array.Content.eltTypeName##Arr \
: (SOPC_VariantArrayType_Matrix == pVar->ArrayType ? pVar->Value.Matrix.Content.eltTypeName##Arr : NULL))
@ SOPC_VariantArrayType_Array
Definition sopc_builtintypes.h:290
@ SOPC_VariantArrayType_Matrix
Definition sopc_builtintypes.h:291


#define SECURITY_POLICY_NONE   "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#None"


#define SECURITY_POLICY_BASIC128RSA15   "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic128Rsa15"


#define SECURITY_POLICY_BASIC256   "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256"


#define SECURITY_POLICY_BASIC256SHA256   "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256Sha256"


#define SOPC_NS0_NUMERIC_NODEID ( opcUaId)
{ \
SOPC_IdentifierType_Numeric, 0, .Data.Numeric = opcUaId \
@ SOPC_IdentifierType_Numeric
Definition sopc_builtintypes.h:179

Typedef Documentation

◆ SOPC_StatusCode

typedef uint32_t SOPC_StatusCode

◆ SOPC_AttributeId

Enumerated for all possible OPC UA attribute ids.

◆ SOPC_BuiltinId

◆ SOPC_Byte

typedef uint8_t SOPC_Byte

◆ SOPC_Boolean

◆ SOPC_SByte

typedef int8_t SOPC_SByte

◆ SOPC_String

typedef struct SOPC_String SOPC_String

This structure provides string encapsulation.

◆ SOPC_XmlElement

◆ SOPC_ByteString

◆ SOPC_DateTime

typedef int64_t SOPC_DateTime

OPC UA timestamp format which is 100 nanoseconds from 1601/01/01 00:00:00 UTC.

◆ SOPC_Guid

typedef struct SOPC_Guid SOPC_Guid

◆ SOPC_IdentifierType

This enum provides fundamental identifier type.

◆ SOPC_NodeId

typedef struct SOPC_NodeId SOPC_NodeId

This structure describes a basic NodeID in OPC UA.

◆ SOPC_ExpandedNodeId

typedef struct SOPC_ExpandedNodeId SOPC_ExpandedNodeId

ExpandedNodeId allows the namespace to be specified explicitly as a string or with an index in the Server’s namespace table.

◆ SOPC_DiagnosticInfo

typedef struct SOPC_DiagnosticInfo SOPC_DiagnosticInfo

This structure provides vendor specific diagnostic information.

◆ SOPC_QualifiedName

typedef struct SOPC_QualifiedName SOPC_QualifiedName

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText

typedef struct SOPC_LocalizedText SOPC_LocalizedText

◆ SOPC_ExtObjectBodyEncoding

This enum provides additional information on which data type format transported.

◆ SOPC_ExtensionObject

typedef struct SOPC_ExtensionObject SOPC_ExtensionObject

An ExtensionObject is a container for any Structured DataTypes which cannot be encoded as one of the other built-in data types. it contains fields that describes which data is transported and how it is described.

◆ SOPC_VariantArrayTypeFlag

◆ SOPC_VariantArrayType

◆ SOPC_VariantArrayValue

typedef union SOPC_VariantArrayValue SOPC_VariantArrayValue

This union provides all possible contents for Variant arrays, depending on their SOPC_BuiltinId.

◆ SOPC_VariantValue

typedef union SOPC_VariantValue SOPC_VariantValue

This union provides all possible contents for Variant, depending on their SOPC_BuiltinId.

◆ SOPC_Variant

typedef struct SOPC_Variant SOPC_Variant

This structure provides variant encapsulation.

◆ SOPC_DataValue

typedef struct SOPC_DataValue SOPC_DataValue

Each attribute in OPC UA has a DataValue caracterized by the following structure.

◆ SOPC_VariantValue_PfnCompCustom

typedef SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_VariantValue_PfnCompCustom(const void *customContext, SOPC_BuiltinId builtInTypeId, const void *left, const void *right, int32_t *compResult)

Generic comparison function type for values contained in a variant.

customContextThe custom context provided to the custom comparison function
builtInTypeIdThe value type of left and right comparison operands
leftThe left operand for which type is defined by builtInTypeId
rightThe right operand for which type is defined by builtInTypeId
[out]compResultThe comparison result set when status returned is SOPC_STATUS_OK. When result is set it is expected to be:
  • (-1) if left < right
  • (0) if left == right
  • (+1) if left > right
SOPC_STATUS_OK if the comparison succeeded, SOPC_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED if the type is not supported.

◆ SOPC_BuiltInType_Handling

typedef struct SOPC_BuiltInType_Handling SOPC_BuiltInType_Handling

Built-in type handling. Provides all the generic service functions associated with a built-in type (except encoders and decoders which are declared in struct SOPC_BuiltInType_Encoders). Also define the allocation size of objects of a built-in type.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _SOPC_AttributeId

Enumerated for all possible OPC UA attribute ids.


◆ _SOPC_BuiltinId


◆ _SOPC_IdentifierType

This enum provides fundamental identifier type.


◆ _SOPC_ExtObjectBodyEncoding

This enum provides additional information on which data type format transported.


◆ _SOPC_VariantArrayTypeFlag


◆ _SOPC_VariantArrayType


Function Documentation

◆ SOPC_IsGoodStatus()

bool SOPC_IsGoodStatus ( SOPC_StatusCode status)

Evaluates if the provided status is Good.

statusThe status to evaluate
True if the provided status is Good, false otherwise

◆ SOPC_StatusCode_ToTcpErrorCode()

SOPC_StatusCode SOPC_StatusCode_ToTcpErrorCode ( SOPC_StatusCode status)

Restricts and converts the status code to the only status code authorized for TCP error code.

◆ SOPC_Boolean_Initialize()

void SOPC_Boolean_Initialize ( SOPC_Boolean * b)

Initialize a pointer for a specific builtintype (Boolean, String, Int16...)

The functions which have prototype as : SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_Initialize() will get the same description.
This kind of function must be used to prevent indeterminist behavior for any builtintypes.
bThe pointer related to the specific builtintype will be initialized to "0".

◆ SOPC_Boolean_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_Boolean_InitializeAux ( void * value)

Initialize a generic pointer using cast method.

The functions which have prototype as: SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_InitializeAux() will get the same description.
valueThe pointer will be initialized to "0".

◆ SOPC_Boolean_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Boolean_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

Copy the content of a generic pointer to another one.

The functions which have prototype as : SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_CopyAux() will get the same description.
desta generic pointer that will be casted in specific builtintype pointer to receive src content.
srca generic pointer that will be casted in specific builtintype pointer and its content will be copied in dest.

◆ SOPC_Boolean_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Boolean_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

Compare the content of a generic pointer to another one and set the result in the comparison parameter.

The functions which have prototype as : SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_CompareAux() will get the same description.
lefta generic pointer that will be casted in specific builtintype pointer
righta generic pointer that will be casted in specific builtintype pointer
comparisonthese possible values are:
  • 1 : left pointer < right pointer
  • 0 : left pointer == right pointer
  • -1 : right pointer < left pointer

◆ SOPC_Boolean_Clear()

void SOPC_Boolean_Clear ( SOPC_Boolean * b)

Clear the content of a specific builtintype pointer.

The functions which have prototype as : SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_Clear() will get the same description.
bThe specific builtintype pointer content will be cleared to "0,false,Free": depending on if it is a String, Boolean, integer, etc.

◆ SOPC_Boolean_ClearAux()

void SOPC_Boolean_ClearAux ( void * value)

Clear the content of a generic pointer.

The functions which have prototype as : SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_ClearAux() will get the same description.
valueThe generic pointer content will be casted in specific builtintype pointer and its content will be cleared to "0,false,Free" depending on if it is a String, Boolean, integer, etc.

◆ SOPC_SByte_Initialize()

void SOPC_SByte_Initialize ( SOPC_SByte * sbyte)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_SByte_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_SByte_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_SByte_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SByte_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_SByte_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SByte_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_SByte_Clear()

void SOPC_SByte_Clear ( SOPC_SByte * sbyte)

◆ SOPC_SByte_ClearAux()

void SOPC_SByte_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Byte_Initialize()

void SOPC_Byte_Initialize ( SOPC_Byte * byte)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_Byte_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_Byte_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Byte_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Byte_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_Byte_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Byte_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Byte_Clear()

void SOPC_Byte_Clear ( SOPC_Byte * byte)

◆ SOPC_Byte_ClearAux()

void SOPC_Byte_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Int16_Initialize()

void SOPC_Int16_Initialize ( int16_t * intv)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_Int16_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_Int16_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Int16_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Int16_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_Int16_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Int16_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Int16_Clear()

void SOPC_Int16_Clear ( int16_t * intv)

◆ SOPC_Int16_ClearAux()

void SOPC_Int16_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_UInt16_Initialize()

void SOPC_UInt16_Initialize ( uint16_t * uint)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_UInt16_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_UInt16_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_UInt16_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_UInt16_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_UInt16_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_UInt16_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_UInt16_Clear()

void SOPC_UInt16_Clear ( uint16_t * uint)

◆ SOPC_UInt16_ClearAux()

void SOPC_UInt16_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Int32_Initialize()

void SOPC_Int32_Initialize ( int32_t * intv)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_Int32_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_Int32_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Int32_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Int32_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_Int32_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Int32_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Int32_Clear()

void SOPC_Int32_Clear ( int32_t * intv)

◆ SOPC_Int32_ClearAux()

void SOPC_Int32_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_UInt32_Initialize()

void SOPC_UInt32_Initialize ( uint32_t * uint)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_UInt32_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_UInt32_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_UInt32_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_UInt32_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_UInt32_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_UInt32_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_UInt32_Clear()

void SOPC_UInt32_Clear ( uint32_t * uint)

◆ SOPC_UInt32_ClearAux()

void SOPC_UInt32_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Int64_Initialize()

void SOPC_Int64_Initialize ( int64_t * intv)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_Int64_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_Int64_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Int64_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Int64_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_Int64_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Int64_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Int64_Clear()

void SOPC_Int64_Clear ( int64_t * intv)

◆ SOPC_Int64_ClearAux()

void SOPC_Int64_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_UInt64_Initialize()

void SOPC_UInt64_Initialize ( uint64_t * uint)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_UInt64_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_UInt64_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_UInt64_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_UInt64_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_UInt64_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_UInt64_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_UInt64_Clear()

void SOPC_UInt64_Clear ( uint64_t * uint)

◆ SOPC_UInt64_ClearAux()

void SOPC_UInt64_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Float_Initialize()

void SOPC_Float_Initialize ( float * f)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_Float_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_Float_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Float_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Float_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_Float_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Float_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Float_Clear()

void SOPC_Float_Clear ( float * f)

◆ SOPC_Float_ClearAux()

void SOPC_Float_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Double_Initialize()

void SOPC_Double_Initialize ( double * d)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_Double_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_Double_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Double_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Double_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_Double_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Double_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Double_Clear()

void SOPC_Double_Clear ( double * d)

◆ SOPC_Double_ClearAux()

void SOPC_Double_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_ByteString_Initialize()

void SOPC_ByteString_Initialize ( SOPC_ByteString * bstring)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_ByteString_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_ByteString_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_ByteString_Create()

SOPC_ByteString * SOPC_ByteString_Create ( void )

Create a valid specific builtintype pointer.

The functions which have prototype as : SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_Create() will get the same description.
This kind of function do x-bytes of allocation memory, so the pointer must be freed by invoking SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_Delete() function.
A valid pointer otherwise it returns NULL pointer if allocation failed.

◆ SOPC_ByteString_InitializeFixedSize()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ByteString_InitializeFixedSize ( SOPC_ByteString * bstring,
uint32_t size )

Allocate a number of size bytes and initialize its content to "0", this allocation looks like calloc function.

This function do x-bytes of allocation memory, so the pointer must be freed by invoking SOPC_ByteString_Delete() function.
bstringThe ByteString pointer which will be initialized.
sizenumber of bytes to be allocate.
A valid pointer otherwise it returns NULL pointer if allocation failed.

◆ SOPC_ByteString_CopyFromBytes()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ByteString_CopyFromBytes ( SOPC_ByteString * dest,
const SOPC_Byte * bytes,
int32_t length )

Return a deep copy of a Byte array.

[out]destMust be a non-NULL pointer to an uninitialized ByteString. Do not use an already allocated string or operation will fail.
bytesA pointer to at least length bytes. (Can contain zeros)
lengthThe number of bytes to copy.

◆ SOPC_ByteString_Copy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ByteString_Copy ( SOPC_ByteString * dest,
const SOPC_ByteString * src )

Return a deep copy of another ByteString. See SOPC_ByteString_CopyFromBytes.

◆ SOPC_ByteString_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ByteString_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_ByteString_Clear()

void SOPC_ByteString_Clear ( SOPC_ByteString * bstring)

◆ SOPC_ByteString_ClearAux()

void SOPC_ByteString_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_ByteString_Delete()

void SOPC_ByteString_Delete ( SOPC_ByteString * bstring)

Free a specific builtintype pointer thus it will transform it into an invalid pointer.

The functions which have prototype as : SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_Delete() will get the same description.
This kind of function frees the memory used, so each SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_Create() function need to call SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_Delete() function to avoid leak memory or segmentation fault error.
bstringThe specific builtintype pointer that will be freed.

◆ SOPC_ByteString_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ByteString_Compare ( const SOPC_ByteString * left,
const SOPC_ByteString * right,
int32_t * comparison )
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_CompareAux

◆ SOPC_ByteString_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ByteString_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_CompareAux

◆ SOPC_ByteString_Equal()

bool SOPC_ByteString_Equal ( const SOPC_ByteString * left,
const SOPC_ByteString * right )

Compare the content of two specific builtintype pointer and return true or false according to the result.

The functions which have prototype as : SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_Equal() will get the same description.
leftThe content of a specific builtintype pointer to be compare with another pointer of the same type.
rightThe content of a specific builtintype pointer to be compare with another pointer of the same type.
true if the two contents are equal otherwise false.

◆ SOPC_String_Initialize()

void SOPC_String_Initialize ( SOPC_String * string)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_Initialize

◆ SOPC_String_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_String_InitializeAux ( void * value)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_InitializeAux

◆ SOPC_String_Create()

SOPC_String * SOPC_String_Create ( void )

Allocates and return a new String (initialized as empty).

◆ SOPC_String_CopyFromCString()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_CopyFromCString ( SOPC_String * string,
const char * cString )

Copy a C-String to the Data field of the SOPC_String object.

stringThe pointer to the SOPC_String object
cStringThe C-String that would be copied in the Data field
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, otherwise SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE

◆ SOPC_String_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_String_InitializeFromCString()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_InitializeFromCString ( SOPC_String * string,
const char * cString )

Initialize the content of a specific builtintype pointer with a C-String.

The functions which have prototype as : SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_InitializeFromCString() will get the same description.
stringMust be a non-NULL pointer to an uninitialized 'BUILTINTYPE'. Do not use an already allocated object or this will lead to a memory leak.
cStringThe C-String.
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, otherwise SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS if there are bad input parameters or SOPC_STATUS_NOK if an error occurs.

◆ SOPC_String_GetCString()

char * SOPC_String_GetCString ( const SOPC_String * string)

Retrieve the C-String of a SOPC_String pointer or '\0' for a SOPC_String with length <= 0.

This function allocates new memory, so the return value must be freed after this call function.
stringThe SOPC_String pointer whose content will be extracted.
A valid C-String otherwise it returns NULL pointer if allocation failed or there were bad input parameters.

◆ SOPC_String_GetRawCString()

const char * SOPC_String_GetRawCString ( const SOPC_String * string)

Retrieve the raw C-String of a SOPC_String pointer or '\0' for a SOPC_String with length <= 0.

The value returned is not a copy, so :
  • The returned value can only be used while the input object is defined.
  • The returned value shall not be freed.
stringThe SOPC_String pointer which content will be extracted.
A valid C-String. Returns NULL if string was NULL.
The presence of a terminated NULL char is ensured by all SOPC_String constructors.

◆ SOPC_String_AttachFrom()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_AttachFrom ( SOPC_String * dest,
SOPC_String * src )

Create a shallow copy of src into dest. The src string must not be cleared before dest is cleared.

destThe pointer to the destination SOPC_String object.
srcThe pointer to the source SOPC_String object.

◆ SOPC_String_AttachFromCstring()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_AttachFromCstring ( SOPC_String * dest,
const char * src )

Create a shallow copy of src (C-String) into dest. The src string must not be freed/modified before dest is cleared.

destThe pointer to the destination SOPC_String object
srcThe C-String data that will be copied to the destination SOPC_String object

◆ SOPC_String_Copy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_Copy ( SOPC_String * dest,
const SOPC_String * src )

Create a copy of src into dest.

Since an allocation is used, the user must freed the dest pointer after using it. Furthermore, it is a copy, so be sure to clear bytes on clear.
destThe pointer to the destination SOPC_String object.
srcThe pointer to the source SOPC_String object.
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, otherwise SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS if there are bad inputs parameters or SOPC_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY if no space memory available.

◆ SOPC_String_Clear()

void SOPC_String_Clear ( SOPC_String * bstring)

◆ SOPC_String_ClearAux()

void SOPC_String_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_String_Delete()

void SOPC_String_Delete ( SOPC_String * bstring)
See also

◆ SOPC_String_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_Compare ( const SOPC_String * left,
const SOPC_String * right,
bool ignoreCase,
int32_t * comparison )

Compare the content of a String pointer to another one and set the result in the comparison parameter.

The functions which have prototype as : SOPC_BUILTINTYPE_Compare() will get approximately the same description (some parameters might change according to the goal function).
lefta generic pointer that will be casted in specific builtintype pointer
righta generic pointer that will be casted in specific builtintype pointer
ignoreCasefalse if ignore sensitive case otherwise it is true.
comparisonthese possible values are:
  • 1 : left pointer < right pointer
  • 0 : left pointer == right pointer
  • -1 : right pointer < left pointer

◆ SOPC_String_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_String_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_String_Equal()

bool SOPC_String_Equal ( const SOPC_String * left,
const SOPC_String * right )

◆ SOPC_String_GetRawCStringArray()

const char ** SOPC_String_GetRawCStringArray ( int32_t nbOfStrings,
SOPC_String * stringArray )

Returns a NULL terminated C-string array without copying the strings. The caller is responsible to NOT modify the content of the returned array and to call SOPC_Free on the array (and NOT the array content) after use.

nbOfStringsThe number of elements in stringArray
stringArrayThe array of SOPC_String to retrieve as C-string array
C-String array containing the strings contains in the SOPC_String array without string copy. NULL is returned in case of invalid arguments, and {NULL} in case of empty SOPC_String array.

◆ SOPC_String_GetCStringArray()

char ** SOPC_String_GetCStringArray ( int32_t nbOfStrings,
SOPC_String * stringArray )

Returns a NULL terminated C-string array copying the strings.

nbOfStringsThe number of elements in stringArray
stringArrayThe array of SOPC_String to retrieve as C-string array
C-String array containing the strings contains in the SOPC_String array without string copy. NULL is returned in case of invalid arguments, and {NULL} in case of empty SOPC_String array.

◆ SOPC_XmlElement_Initialize()

void SOPC_XmlElement_Initialize ( SOPC_XmlElement * xmlElt)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_XmlElement_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_XmlElement_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_XmlElement_Copy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_XmlElement_Copy ( SOPC_XmlElement * dest,
const SOPC_XmlElement * src )

◆ SOPC_XmlElement_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_XmlElement_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_XmlElement_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_XmlElement_Compare ( const SOPC_XmlElement * left,
const SOPC_XmlElement * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_XmlElement_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_XmlElement_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_XmlElement_Clear()

void SOPC_XmlElement_Clear ( SOPC_XmlElement * xmlElt)

◆ SOPC_XmlElement_ClearAux()

void SOPC_XmlElement_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_DateTime_Initialize()

void SOPC_DateTime_Initialize ( SOPC_DateTime * dateTime)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_DateTime_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_DateTime_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_DateTime_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DateTime_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_DateTime_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DateTime_Compare ( const SOPC_DateTime * left,
const SOPC_DateTime * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_DateTime_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DateTime_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_DateTime_Clear()

void SOPC_DateTime_Clear ( SOPC_DateTime * dateTime)

◆ SOPC_DateTime_ClearAux()

void SOPC_DateTime_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Guid_Initialize()

void SOPC_Guid_Initialize ( SOPC_Guid * guid)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_Guid_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_Guid_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Guid_FromCString()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Guid_FromCString ( SOPC_Guid * guid,
const char * str,
size_t len )

◆ SOPC_Guid_ToCString()

char * SOPC_Guid_ToCString ( const SOPC_Guid * guid)

◆ SOPC_Guid_Copy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Guid_Copy ( SOPC_Guid * dest,
const SOPC_Guid * src )

◆ SOPC_Guid_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Guid_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Guid_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Guid_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_Guid_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Guid_Compare ( const SOPC_Guid * left,
const SOPC_Guid * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Guid_Clear()

void SOPC_Guid_Clear ( SOPC_Guid * guid)

◆ SOPC_Guid_ClearAux()

void SOPC_Guid_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_NodeId_Initialize()

void SOPC_NodeId_Initialize ( SOPC_NodeId * nodeId)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_NodeId_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_NodeId_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_NodeId_Copy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_NodeId_Copy ( SOPC_NodeId * dest,
const SOPC_NodeId * src )

◆ SOPC_NodeId_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_NodeId_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_NodeId_Clear()

void SOPC_NodeId_Clear ( SOPC_NodeId * nodeId)

◆ SOPC_NodeId_ClearAux()

void SOPC_NodeId_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_NodeId_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_NodeId_Compare ( const SOPC_NodeId * left,
const SOPC_NodeId * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_NodeId_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_NodeId_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_NodeId_Equal()

bool SOPC_NodeId_Equal ( const SOPC_NodeId * left,
const SOPC_NodeId * right )

◆ SOPC_NodeId_IsNull()

bool SOPC_NodeId_IsNull ( const SOPC_NodeId * nodeId)

◆ SOPC_NodeId_Hash()

void SOPC_NodeId_Hash ( const SOPC_NodeId * nodeId,
uint64_t * hash )

◆ SOPC_NodeId_ToCString()

char * SOPC_NodeId_ToCString ( const SOPC_NodeId * nodeId)

Allocates a C string containing the normalized representation of a NodeId. Must be freed by caller after use.

◆ SOPC_NodeId_InitializeFromCString()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_NodeId_InitializeFromCString ( SOPC_NodeId * pNid,
const char * cString,
int32_t len )

Initializes a NodeId from a normalized C string. See SOPC_String_InitializeFromCString.

◆ SOPC_NodeId_FromCString()

SOPC_NodeId * SOPC_NodeId_FromCString ( const char * cString,
int32_t len )

Alloacates and initializes a NodeId from a normalized C string. See SOPC_String_InitializeFromCString.

◆ SOPC_NodeId_Dict_Create()

SOPC_Dict * SOPC_NodeId_Dict_Create ( bool free_keys,
SOPC_Dict_Free_Fct value_free )

Creates a dictionary which keys are NodeId.

free_keysTrue if the dictionary is responsible for deleting keys on element removal
value_freeThe Free function for deleted elements. (Can be null if no deletion is required)

◆ SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Initialize()

void SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Initialize ( SOPC_ExpandedNodeId * expNodeId)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Copy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Copy ( SOPC_ExpandedNodeId * dest,
const SOPC_ExpandedNodeId * src )

◆ SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Compare ( const SOPC_ExpandedNodeId * left,
const SOPC_ExpandedNodeId * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Clear()

void SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_Clear ( SOPC_ExpandedNodeId * expNodeId)

◆ SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_ClearAux()

void SOPC_ExpandedNodeId_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_StatusCode_Initialize()

void SOPC_StatusCode_Initialize ( SOPC_StatusCode * status)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_StatusCode_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_StatusCode_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_StatusCode_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_StatusCode_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_StatusCode_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_StatusCode_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_StatusCode_Clear()

void SOPC_StatusCode_Clear ( SOPC_StatusCode * status)

◆ SOPC_StatusCode_ClearAux()

void SOPC_StatusCode_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Initialize()

void SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Initialize ( SOPC_DiagnosticInfo * diagInfo)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Copy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Copy ( SOPC_DiagnosticInfo * dest,
const SOPC_DiagnosticInfo * src )

◆ SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Compare ( const SOPC_DiagnosticInfo * left,
const SOPC_DiagnosticInfo * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Clear()

void SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_Clear ( SOPC_DiagnosticInfo * diagInfo)

◆ SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_ClearAux()

void SOPC_DiagnosticInfo_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_QualifiedName_Initialize()

void SOPC_QualifiedName_Initialize ( SOPC_QualifiedName * qname)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_QualifiedName_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_QualifiedName_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_QualifiedName_Copy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_QualifiedName_Copy ( SOPC_QualifiedName * dest,
const SOPC_QualifiedName * src )

◆ SOPC_QualifiedName_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_QualifiedName_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_QualifiedName_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_QualifiedName_Compare ( const SOPC_QualifiedName * left,
const SOPC_QualifiedName * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_QualifiedName_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_QualifiedName_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_QualifiedName_Clear()

void SOPC_QualifiedName_Clear ( SOPC_QualifiedName * qname)

◆ SOPC_QualifiedName_ClearAux()

void SOPC_QualifiedName_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_QualifiedName_ParseCString()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_QualifiedName_ParseCString ( SOPC_QualifiedName * qname,
const char * str )

◆ SOPC_QualifiedName_ToCString()

char * SOPC_QualifiedName_ToCString ( const SOPC_QualifiedName * qname)

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText_Initialize()

void SOPC_LocalizedText_Initialize ( SOPC_LocalizedText * localizedText)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_LocalizedText_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText_Copy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_Copy ( SOPC_LocalizedText * dest,
const SOPC_LocalizedText * src )

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_Compare ( const SOPC_LocalizedText * left,
const SOPC_LocalizedText * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText_Clear()

void SOPC_LocalizedText_Clear ( SOPC_LocalizedText * localizedText)

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText_ClearAux()

void SOPC_LocalizedText_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText_CopyFromArray()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_CopyFromArray ( SOPC_LocalizedText * destSetOfLt,
int32_t nbElts,
const SOPC_LocalizedText * srcArrayOfLt )

Copy into the given empty localized text an array of localized text to create a LocalizedText set. Note: array is considered to contain only LocalizedText single values (other values than default fields are ignored)

destSetOfLtThe destination empty LocalizedText which will contain data of the LocalizedText array (default field will contain index 0 of array and the list the rest)
nbEltsNumber of element of the array
srcArrayOfLtThe source array of LocalizedText to be copied into a unique LocalizedText structure (as a set). The array should contain only single LocalizedText value (default fields only), the rest will be ignored.
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText_CopyToArray()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_CopyToArray ( SOPC_LocalizedText ** dstArray,
int32_t * nbElts,
const SOPC_LocalizedText * srcSetOfLt )

Copy into a new LocalizedText array the content of a LocalizedText set (or single value).

dstArrayThe destination pointer in which the array of LocalizedText will be allocated. The array contain only single LocalizedText value (default fields only).
nbEltsThe destination pointer in which the number of elements in the array will be stored
srcSetOfLtThe source LocalizedText set (or single value) to be copied into the array.
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText_AddOrSetLocale()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_AddOrSetLocale ( SOPC_LocalizedText * destSetOfLt,
char ** supportedLocaleIds,
const SOPC_LocalizedText * src )

Add a src LocalizedText to the LocalizedText list of dest. If locale already exists overwrite it, if it is a NULL LocalizedText clear all localized text stored Note: src shall not contain a list of localized text, only default localized text fields.

destSetOfLtThe localizedText object in which additional (or existent) localized text will be added
supportedLocaleIdsThe NULL terminated list of supported locales of the owner of the localizedText object (use as read only)
srcThe localizedText object containing a single localized text, the locale shall be "" or one of the locales supported. Otherwise the SOPC_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED is returned.
SOPC_STATUS_OK if the operation succeeded and error status otherwise

◆ SOPC_LocalizedText_GetPreferredLocale()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedText_GetPreferredLocale ( SOPC_LocalizedText * dest,
char ** preferredLocaleIds,
const SOPC_LocalizedText * srcSetOfLt )

Set the single localized text dest with preferred locale from the multiple localized texts contained in src. The preferred locale is selected using the preferred locale Ids array localeIds (ordered by preference priority).

  1. Attempt to find the first matching locale considering the whole localeId which may contain [language]-[courntry/region] or only [language]
  2. Attempt to find the first matching locale considering only the [language] part
  3. If no there is no locale match, returns the default locale of src localized text
destThe empty or single value localizedText object in a preferred localized text shall be set
preferredLocaleIdsThe NULL terminated list of preferred locales by priority order (use as read only)
srcSetOfLtThe localizedText object containing multiple localized texts in which the preferred one shall be chosen. If none is compatible, choose the default one.
SOPC_STATUS_OK if the operation succeeded and error status otherwise

◆ SOPC_LocalizedTextArray_GetPreferredLocale()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_LocalizedTextArray_GetPreferredLocale ( SOPC_LocalizedText * dest,
char ** preferredLocaleIds,
int32_t nbLocalizedText,
const SOPC_LocalizedText * srcArray )

◆ SOPC_ExtensionObject_Initialize()

void SOPC_ExtensionObject_Initialize ( SOPC_ExtensionObject * extObj)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_ExtensionObject_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_ExtensionObject_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_ExtensionObject_Copy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExtensionObject_Copy ( SOPC_ExtensionObject * dest,
const SOPC_ExtensionObject * src )

◆ SOPC_ExtensionObject_Move()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExtensionObject_Move ( SOPC_ExtensionObject * dest,
SOPC_ExtensionObject * src )

◆ SOPC_ExtensionObject_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExtensionObject_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_ExtensionObject_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExtensionObject_Compare ( const SOPC_ExtensionObject * left,
const SOPC_ExtensionObject * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_ExtensionObject_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExtensionObject_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_ExtensionObject_Clear()

void SOPC_ExtensionObject_Clear ( SOPC_ExtensionObject * extObj)

◆ SOPC_ExtensionObject_ClearAux()

void SOPC_ExtensionObject_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_ExtensionObject_CreateObject()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ExtensionObject_CreateObject ( SOPC_ExtensionObject * extObject,
SOPC_EncodeableType * encTyp,
void ** encObject )

Create an encodeable object of the given encodeable type and set it in the given extension object.

extObjectExtension object in which the newly created encodeable object must be set
encTypEncodeable type of the encodeable object to instantiate and initialize
encObjectPointer to be set with the address of the newly created encodeable object
SOPC_SOPC_STATUS_OK if creation and extension setting succeeded

◆ SOPC_Variant_Create()

SOPC_Variant * SOPC_Variant_Create ( void )

allocates and return a SOPC_Variant

◆ SOPC_Variant_Initialize()

void SOPC_Variant_Initialize ( SOPC_Variant * variant)

Initialize a Variant. Do not initialize existing variants without clearing them first.

◆ SOPC_Variant_Initialize_Array()

bool SOPC_Variant_Initialize_Array ( SOPC_Variant * var,
SOPC_BuiltinId builtInId,
int32_t length )

Initialize a Variant as an array of given length. Do not initialize existing variants without clearing them first.

◆ SOPC_Null_ClearAux()

void SOPC_Null_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Null_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Null_CompareAux ( const void * dest,
const void * src,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Null_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Null_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_Variant_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_Variant_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Variant_Copy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_Copy ( SOPC_Variant * dest,
const SOPC_Variant * src )

◆ SOPC_Variant_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_Variant_HasRange()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_HasRange ( const SOPC_Variant * variant,
const SOPC_NumericRange * range,
bool fullRange,
bool * hasRange )

Checks if the given range is valid for the given variant:

  • the number of dimensions is compatible with the variant value
  • range(s) start is valid for variant value
  • range(s) end is valid for variant value if not for a write operation
Intrinsic range validity was already checked by SOPC_NumericRange_Parse (the first integer shall have a lower value than the second).
variantThe variant for which the range is checked
rangeThe range to check for given variant
fullRangeWhen true, the function checks that at least one element of the array is valid for range (typical for a "Read" array check). When false, the function checks that all elements of the array are valid for range (typical for a "Write" array check).
[out]hasRangeThe result pointer parameter, the result is true if the range is valid for the given variant and false otherwise
SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS if a parameter is NULL or the number of dimensions is 0, SOPC_STATUS_OK otherwise.

◆ SOPC_Variant_GetRange()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_GetRange ( SOPC_Variant * dst,
const SOPC_Variant * src,
const SOPC_NumericRange * range )

◆ SOPC_Variant_SetRange()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_SetRange ( SOPC_Variant * dst,
const SOPC_Variant * src,
const SOPC_NumericRange * range )

◆ SOPC_Variant_ShallowCopy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_ShallowCopy ( SOPC_Variant * dst,
const SOPC_Variant * src )

◆ SOPC_Variant_Move()

void SOPC_Variant_Move ( SOPC_Variant * dest,
SOPC_Variant * src )

◆ SOPC_Variant_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_Compare ( const SOPC_Variant * left,
const SOPC_Variant * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Variant_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Variant_CompareCustom()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_CompareCustom ( SOPC_VariantValue_PfnCompCustom * compCustom,
const void * compCustomContext,
const SOPC_Variant * left,
const SOPC_Variant * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Variant_CompareRange()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_CompareRange ( const SOPC_Variant * left,
const SOPC_Variant * right,
const SOPC_NumericRange * range,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Variant_CompareCustomRange()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_CompareCustomRange ( SOPC_VariantValue_PfnCompCustom * compCustom,
const void * compCustomContext,
const SOPC_Variant * left,
const SOPC_Variant * right,
const SOPC_NumericRange * range,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_Variant_Clear()

void SOPC_Variant_Clear ( SOPC_Variant * variant)

◆ SOPC_Variant_ClearAux()

void SOPC_Variant_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Variant_Delete()

void SOPC_Variant_Delete ( SOPC_Variant * variant)

◆ SOPC_Variant_Print()

void SOPC_Variant_Print ( const SOPC_Variant * variant)

◆ SOPC_Variant_Dump()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Variant_Dump ( SOPC_Buffer * buf,
const SOPC_Variant * variant )

Print the variant into the buffer data bytes from the buffer position (adapting buffer position and length if necessary). This function only provides a "shallow" dump.:

  • Arrays (and matrixes) are not expanded,
  • Complex types are not expanded. There is no terminating NULL character added at the end of the printed value.
variantvariant to print into the buffer
bufPointer to the buffer to write into
SOPC_STATUS_OK if succeeded, an error code otherwise (NULL pointer, non allocated buffer content). Note that a full buffer will not return an error in this function.

◆ SOPC_Variant_GetArrayOrMatrixLength()

int32_t SOPC_Variant_GetArrayOrMatrixLength ( const SOPC_Variant * var)

Returns the number of values contained in a Variant with Array or Matrix value type. It might be used in combination with SOPC_VARIANT_GET_ARRAY_VALUES_PTR macro to iterate over all values in a generic way for array and matrix variants of a known variant type.

varThe Variant with Array or Matrix type for which the number of values is requested
The number of values contained in the given Variant or -1 in case of unexpected error. Unexpected errors: var is NULL or a single value variant, an ArrayDimension is <= 0, length computation based on ArrayDimensions overflow.

◆ SOPC_Variant_Get_SingleValue()

const void * SOPC_Variant_Get_SingleValue ( const SOPC_Variant * var,
SOPC_BuiltinId builtInTypeId )

◆ SOPC_Variant_Get_ArrayValue()

const void * SOPC_Variant_Get_ArrayValue ( const SOPC_Variant * var,
SOPC_BuiltinId builtInTypeId,
int32_t index )

◆ SOPC_Variant_CopyInto_ArrayValueAt()

bool SOPC_Variant_CopyInto_ArrayValueAt ( SOPC_Variant * dest,
SOPC_BuiltinId builtInTypeId,
int32_t index,
const void * value )

◆ SOPC_Variant_Get_DataType()

SOPC_NodeId * SOPC_Variant_Get_DataType ( const SOPC_Variant * var)

Returns the DataType identifier of the given variant as a newly allocated NodeId For built-in types except for ExtensionObject variant: built-in type NodeId is returned (single value / array) For ExtensionObject built-in type:

  • single value: if the object is decoded returns the NodeId based on the object SOPC_EncodeableType content, otherwise returns the Structure abstract DataType NodeId.
  • array/matrix value: if the array is empty, returns the Null NodeId. if all array elements have same type, same behavior as single value. if elements have different types, returns the Structure abstract DataType NodeId.
varThe Variant for which the DataType is returned
The newly DataType NodeId of the given variant (to be deallocated by caller) or NULL (NULL variant or extension object without body encoded or allocation failure)

◆ SOPC_Variant_Get_ValueRank()

int32_t SOPC_Variant_Get_ValueRank ( const SOPC_Variant * var)

◆ SOPC_ValueRank_IsAssignableInto()

bool SOPC_ValueRank_IsAssignableInto ( int32_t dest_ValueRank,
int32_t src_valueRank )

◆ SOPC_DataValue_Initialize()

void SOPC_DataValue_Initialize ( SOPC_DataValue * dataValue)
See also
description in similar function SOPC_Boolean_xxxx

◆ SOPC_DataValue_InitializeAux()

void SOPC_DataValue_InitializeAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_DataValue_Copy()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DataValue_Copy ( SOPC_DataValue * dest,
const SOPC_DataValue * src )

◆ SOPC_DataValue_CopyAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DataValue_CopyAux ( void * dest,
const void * src )

◆ SOPC_DataValue_Compare()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DataValue_Compare ( const SOPC_DataValue * left,
const SOPC_DataValue * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_DataValue_CompareAux()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DataValue_CompareAux ( const void * left,
const void * right,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_DataValue_CompareRange()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_DataValue_CompareRange ( const SOPC_DataValue * left,
const SOPC_DataValue * right,
const SOPC_NumericRange * range,
int32_t * comparison )

◆ SOPC_DataValue_Clear()

void SOPC_DataValue_Clear ( SOPC_DataValue * dataValue)

◆ SOPC_DataValue_ClearAux()

void SOPC_DataValue_ClearAux ( void * value)

◆ SOPC_Initialize_Array()

void SOPC_Initialize_Array ( int32_t noOfElts,
void * eltsArray,
size_t sizeOfElt,
SOPC_EncodeableObject_PfnInitialize * initFct )

◆ SOPC_Copy_Array()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Copy_Array ( int32_t noOfElts,
void * eltsArrayDest,
const void * eltsArraySrc,
size_t sizeOfElt,
SOPC_EncodeableObject_PfnCopy * opFct )

◆ SOPC_Comp_Array()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_Comp_Array ( int32_t noOfElts,
const void * eltsArrayLeft,
const void * eltsArrayRight,
size_t sizeOfElt,
SOPC_EncodeableObject_PfnComp * compFct,
int32_t * comparisonResult )

◆ SOPC_CompCustom_Array()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_CompCustom_Array ( int32_t noOfElts,
const void * eltsArrayLeft,
const void * eltsArrayRight,
size_t sizeOfElt,
SOPC_VariantValue_PfnCompCustom * compCustomFct,
const void * customCompContext,
SOPC_BuiltinId builtInId,
int32_t * comparisonResult )

◆ SOPC_Clear_Array()

void SOPC_Clear_Array ( int32_t * noOfElts,
void ** eltsArray,
size_t sizeOfElt,
SOPC_EncodeableObject_PfnClear * clearFct )

Variable Documentation

◆ SOPC_BuiltInTypeId_To_DataTypeNodeId

S2OPC_COMMON_EXPORT const SOPC_NodeId* SOPC_BuiltInTypeId_To_DataTypeNodeId[26]

◆ SOPC_BuiltInType_HandlingTable

S2OPC_COMMON_EXPORT const SOPC_BuiltInType_Handling SOPC_BuiltInType_HandlingTable[SOPC_BUILTINID_MAX+1]

Table of all built-in type handlers. To be indexed with a SOPC_BuiltinId. Provides all the generic service functions associated with each built-in type.