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sopc_array.h File Reference

A generic array implementation. More...

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>

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#define SOPC_Array_Append(array, val)
 Appends one value to an array.
#define SOPC_Array_Get(array, ty, index)
 Gets a value from an array by its index.


typedef struct _SOPC_Array SOPC_Array
typedef void SOPC_Array_Free_Func(void *data)
 Type of functions used to free array values.
typedef int SOPC_Array_Compare_Func(const void *a, const void *b)
 Type of functions used to compare items when sorting an array.


SOPC_ArraySOPC_Array_Create (size_t element_size, size_t initial_capacity, SOPC_Array_Free_Func *free_func)
 Creates a new array with a given capacity.
SOPC_ArraySOPC_Array_Copy (const SOPC_Array *array)
 Makes a copy of an array.
void SOPC_Array_Delete (SOPC_Array *array)
 Deletes an array.
bool SOPC_Array_Append_Values (SOPC_Array *array, const void *data, size_t n_elements)
 Appends several values contiguous in memory to an array.
void * SOPC_Array_Get_Ptr (const SOPC_Array *array, size_t index)
 Gets a pointer to a value in an array by its index.
size_t SOPC_Array_Size (const SOPC_Array *array)
 Gets the number of elements in an array.
void SOPC_Array_Sort (SOPC_Array *array, SOPC_Array_Compare_Func *compare_func)
 Sorts the elements in an array.
void * SOPC_Array_Into_Raw (SOPC_Array *array)
 Converts a SOPC_Array into a raw C array.
SOPC_Array_Free_FuncSOPC_Array_Get_Free_Func (SOPC_Array *array)
 Returns the function used to clear the elements of an array on deletion.
void SOPC_Array_Set_Free_Func (SOPC_Array *array, SOPC_Array_Free_Func *func)
 Sets the function used to clear the array elements when it is deleted.

Detailed Description

A generic array implementation.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ SOPC_Array_Append

#define SOPC_Array_Append ( array,
val )
SOPC_Array_Append_Values((array), &(val), 1)
bool SOPC_Array_Append_Values(SOPC_Array *array, const void *data, size_t n_elements)
Appends several values contiguous in memory to an array.

Appends one value to an array.

arrayThe array.
valThe value to append.
TRUE on success, FALSE on memory allocation failure or if array is NULL.

◆ SOPC_Array_Get

#define SOPC_Array_Get ( array,
index )
(*((ty*) SOPC_Array_Get_Ptr((array), (index))))
void * SOPC_Array_Get_Ptr(const SOPC_Array *array, size_t index)
Gets a pointer to a value in an array by its index.

Gets a value from an array by its index.

arrayThe array.
tyThe type of the value stored in the array.
indexThe index of the value in the array.
The value or NULL if array is NULL.

Typedef Documentation

◆ SOPC_Array

typedef struct _SOPC_Array SOPC_Array

◆ SOPC_Array_Free_Func

typedef void SOPC_Array_Free_Func(void *data)

Type of functions used to free array values.

The parameter passed to the function is a pointer to the item. That means that if your array holds pointers, the free function will be passed a pointer to the pointer held in the array.

◆ SOPC_Array_Compare_Func

typedef int SOPC_Array_Compare_Func(const void *a, const void *b)

Type of functions used to compare items when sorting an array.

The function should return a value less than 0 if a is less than b, 0 if a and b have the same value, and greater than 0 if a is greater than b.

The parameters passed to the function are pointers to the items. That means that if your array holds pointers, the compare function will be passed pointers to the pointers held in the array.

Function Documentation

◆ SOPC_Array_Create()

SOPC_Array * SOPC_Array_Create ( size_t element_size,
size_t initial_capacity,
SOPC_Array_Free_Func * free_func )

Creates a new array with a given capacity.

element_sizeThe size of one element of the array.
initial_capacityThe initial capacity to allocate (can be 0).
free_funcA function to call on each array element when the array is deleted. Can be NULL.
The created array in case of success, or NULL on memory allocation failure.

The actual allocated size might be greater than the requested capacity.

◆ SOPC_Array_Copy()

SOPC_Array * SOPC_Array_Copy ( const SOPC_Array * array)

Makes a copy of an array.

arrayThe array.
The copied array in case of success, or NULL on memory allocation failure or if array is NULL.

◆ SOPC_Array_Delete()

void SOPC_Array_Delete ( SOPC_Array * array)

Deletes an array.

arrayThe array.

The free function passed in the constructor or via SOPC_Array_Set_Free_Func (if any) will be called for each element of the array before the array is freed.

◆ SOPC_Array_Append_Values()

bool SOPC_Array_Append_Values ( SOPC_Array * array,
const void * data,
size_t n_elements )

Appends several values contiguous in memory to an array.

arrayThe array.
dataThe memory location of the first value. If NULL, the array grows by n_elements items, but does not initialize them.
n_elementsThe number of values present in memory.
TRUE on success, FALSE on memory allocation failure or if array is NULL.

◆ SOPC_Array_Get_Ptr()

void * SOPC_Array_Get_Ptr ( const SOPC_Array * array,
size_t index )

Gets a pointer to a value in an array by its index.

arrayThe array.
indexThe index of the value.
A pointer to the value.

◆ SOPC_Array_Size()

size_t SOPC_Array_Size ( const SOPC_Array * array)

Gets the number of elements in an array.

arrayThe array.
The number of elements in the array or 0 if array is NULL.

◆ SOPC_Array_Sort()

void SOPC_Array_Sort ( SOPC_Array * array,
SOPC_Array_Compare_Func * compare_func )

Sorts the elements in an array.

arrayThe array.
compare_funcThe function to use to compare to elements.

The sort is not guaranteed to be stable.

◆ SOPC_Array_Into_Raw()

void * SOPC_Array_Into_Raw ( SOPC_Array * array)

Converts a SOPC_Array into a raw C array.

arrayThe array.
A contiguous region of memory holding the array data, or NULL if the array was empty.

This function releases the memory of the SOPC_Array itself, only keeping the data before returning it. The returned memory region holds the data exactly, without any padding before or after, and must be freed when no longer needed.

◆ SOPC_Array_Get_Free_Func()

SOPC_Array_Free_Func * SOPC_Array_Get_Free_Func ( SOPC_Array * array)

Returns the function used to clear the elements of an array on deletion.

arrayThe array.
The function used to clear the elements when the array is deleted, or NULL if no such function is defined or if array is NULL.

◆ SOPC_Array_Set_Free_Func()

void SOPC_Array_Set_Free_Func ( SOPC_Array * array,
SOPC_Array_Free_Func * func )

Sets the function used to clear the array elements when it is deleted.

arrayThe array.
funcThe function to use for clearing elements, or NULL if no such function should be called.