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libs2opc_client_config_custom.h File Reference

Additional client configuration facilities for non-XML configuration of the client or non-essential advanced configuration. More...

#include <stdbool.h>
#include "libs2opc_client_config.h"
#include "libs2opc_common_config.h"

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SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetPreferredLocaleIds (size_t nbLocales, const char **localeIds)
 Client configuration without XML.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetApplicationDescription (const char *applicationUri, const char *productUri, const char *defaultAppName, const char *defaultAppNameLocale, OpcUa_ApplicationType applicationType)
 Defines client application description.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetPKIprovider (SOPC_PKIProvider *pki)
 Defines the PKI provider that will be in charge of validating certificates received by client.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetKeyCertPairFromPath (const char *clientCertPath, const char *clientKeyPath, bool encrypted)
 Sets asymmetrical certificate and key of client from file paths. Certificate files shall use DER format, key file shall use DER or PEM format.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetKeyCertPairFromBytes (size_t certificateNbBytes, const unsigned char *clientCertificate, size_t keyNbBytes, const unsigned char *clientPrivateKey)
 Sets asymmetrical certificate and key of client from byte arrays. Certificate shall be in DER format, key file shall be in DER or PEM format.
SOPC_SecureConnection_ConfigSOPC_ClientConfigHelper_CreateSecureConnection (const char *userDefinedId, const char *endpointUrl, OpcUa_MessageSecurityMode secuMode, SOPC_SecurityPolicy_URI secuPolicy)
 Creates a new secure channel configuration in client that shall be completed by using the functions below (SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificateFromPath or SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificateFromBytes, etc.)
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetExpectedEndpointsDescription (SOPC_SecureConnection_Config *secConnConfig, const OpcUa_GetEndpointsResponse *getEndpointsResponse)
 Defines the Secure Connection expected EndpointsDescription from given GetEndpointsResponse. If defined, it is used for verification of coherence during the session activation.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetReverseConnection (SOPC_SecureConnection_Config *secConnConfig, const char *clientReverseEndpointUri)
 Sets the Secure Connection in reverse connection mode.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetReqLifetime (SOPC_SecureConnection_Config *secConnConfig, uint32_t reqLifetime)
 Defines the lifetime requested to the server for this secure connection (symmetric keys renewal) A default value is used if not set.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificateFromPath (SOPC_SecureConnection_Config *secConnConfig, const char *serverCertPath)
 Defines the server certificate DER file path to be used to establish the secure connection.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificateFromBytes (SOPC_SecureConnection_Config *secConnConfig, size_t certificateNbBytes, const unsigned char *serverCertificate)
 Defines the server certificate DER encoded bytes to be used to establish the secure connection.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetAnonymous (SOPC_SecureConnection_Config *secConnConfig, const char *userPolicyId)
 Defines the user authentication mode as anonymous for the secure connection and set the associated user policy Id to be used in server.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetUserName (SOPC_SecureConnection_Config *secConnConfig, const char *userPolicyId, const char *userName, const char *password)
 Defines the user authentication mode as username/password for the secure connection, sets the associated user policy Id to be used in server and sets the username/password to be used for authentication.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetUserX509FromPaths (SOPC_SecureConnection_Config *secConnConfig, const char *userPolicyId, const char *userCertPath, const char *userKeyPath, bool encrypted)
 Defines the user authentication mode as X509 certificate for the secure connection, sets the associated user policy Id to be used in server and sets the certificate/key paths to be used for authentication.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetUserX509FromBytes (SOPC_SecureConnection_Config *secConnConfig, const char *userPolicyId, size_t certificateNbBytes, const unsigned char *userCertificate, size_t keyNbBytes, const unsigned char *userPrivateKey)
 Sets asymmetrical certificate and key of user from byte arrays. Certificate shall be in DER format, key file shall be in DER or PEM format.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertUpdateCb (SOPC_SecureConnection_Config *secConnConfig, SOPC_KeyCertPairUpdateCb *serverCertUpdateCb, uintptr_t updateParam)
 Sets the callback to be called if the server certificate held by SOPC_CertHolder is updated at runtime using SOPC_KeyCertPair_UpdateFromBytes (manually called by application code). The callback content shall implement the consequence of an update on the secure connection at runtime.
SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_GetSecureConnectionConfigs (size_t *nbScConfigs, SOPC_SecureConnection_Config ***scConfigArray)
 Gets the configured secure connections array.

Detailed Description

Additional client configuration facilities for non-XML configuration of the client or non-essential advanced configuration.

TLDR: if client configuration is done through XML configuration files, you might ignore this header.

Function Documentation

◆ SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetPreferredLocaleIds()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetPreferredLocaleIds ( size_t nbLocales,
const char ** localeIds )

Client configuration without XML.

Defines client preferred locales ids sorted by preference from an array of locale strings.

nbLocalesThe number of locales defined in the array. It might be 0 if no locale defined (only default exist).
localeIdsThe array of locales sorted by preference order. Array and its content is copied by function.
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, otherwise SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS if localeIds is invalid when nbLocales > 0 or SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized, preferred localesIds already defined, client connection initiated).

◆ SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetApplicationDescription()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetApplicationDescription ( const char * applicationUri,
const char * productUri,
const char * defaultAppName,
const char * defaultAppNameLocale,
OpcUa_ApplicationType applicationType )

Defines client application description.

applicationUriThe globally unique identifier for the application instance. This URI is used as ServerUri in Services if the application is a Server.
productUriThe globally unique identifier for the product.
defaultAppNameThe name of the application using the default locale language.
defaultAppNameLocaleThe default locale if any. If defined it shall exists in supported locales.
applicationTypeThe type of application, it shall be one of the OpcUa_ApplicationType_Client* types
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, otherwise SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS if applicationUri, productUri or defaultAppName are invalid or SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized, application description already set, client connection initiated).

◆ SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetPKIprovider()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetPKIprovider ( SOPC_PKIProvider * pki)

Defines the PKI provider that will be in charge of validating certificates received by client.

pkiThe PKI provider to be used. It will be automatically deallocated using SOPC_PKIProvider_Free on call to SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_Clear.
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, otherwise SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS if pki is invalid or SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized, PKI already defined, server already started).
A default PKI provider compliant with OPC UA standard is provided in sopc_pki_stack.h

◆ SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetKeyCertPairFromPath()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetKeyCertPairFromPath ( const char * clientCertPath,
const char * clientKeyPath,
bool encrypted )

Sets asymmetrical certificate and key of client from file paths. Certificate files shall use DER format, key file shall use DER or PEM format.

clientCertPathPath to client certificate file at DER format (copied by function)
clientKeyPathPath to client key file at DER or PEM format (copied by function)
encryptedWhether if the key is encrypted or not
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, otherwise SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS if clientCertPath or clientKeyPath are invalid or SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized, key/cert pair already set, connection initiated).

◆ SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetKeyCertPairFromBytes()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetKeyCertPairFromBytes ( size_t certificateNbBytes,
const unsigned char * clientCertificate,
size_t keyNbBytes,
const unsigned char * clientPrivateKey )

Sets asymmetrical certificate and key of client from byte arrays. Certificate shall be in DER format, key file shall be in DER or PEM format.

certificateNbBytesNumber of bytes in clientCertificate array
clientCertificateArray of bytes containing client certificate at DER format (copied by function)
keyNbBytesNumber of bytes in clientPrivateKey array
clientPrivateKeyArray of bytes containing client key file at DER or PEM format (copied by function)
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, otherwise SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS if certificateNbBytes, clientCertificate, keyNbBytes or clientPrivateKey are invalid (0 or NULL) or SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized, key/cert pair already set).

◆ SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_CreateSecureConnection()

SOPC_SecureConnection_Config * SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_CreateSecureConnection ( const char * userDefinedId,
const char * endpointUrl,
OpcUa_MessageSecurityMode secuMode,
SOPC_SecurityPolicy_URI secuPolicy )

Creates a new secure channel configuration in client that shall be completed by using the functions below (SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificateFromPath or SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificateFromBytes, etc.)

userDefinedIdA user defined identifier to retrieve the secure connection configuration using SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_GetConfigFromId.
endpointUrlURL of the endpoint:
secuModeSecurity mode required for this SecureConnection: None, Sign or SignAndEncrypt. If value different from None, SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificate* shall be called.
secuPolicySecurity policy URI required for this SecureConnection. If value different from None, SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificate* shall be called.
Returned SOPC_SecureConnection_Config is owned by library and shall not be freed.
A single connection can be established with SOPC_ClientHelper_Connect using the returned configuration.
SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig pointer to configuration structure to be filled with SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_Set* functions (SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificateFromPath, etc.). Otherwise Returns NULL if no more configuration slots are available (see SOPC_MAX_CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTIONS_CONFIG).

◆ SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetExpectedEndpointsDescription()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetExpectedEndpointsDescription ( SOPC_SecureConnection_Config * secConnConfig,
const OpcUa_GetEndpointsResponse * getEndpointsResponse )

Defines the Secure Connection expected EndpointsDescription from given GetEndpointsResponse. If defined, it is used for verification of coherence during the session activation.

secConnConfigThe secure connection configuration to modify
getEndpointsResponseThe client expected endpoint description to be returned by the server during connection. Connection will be aborted otherwise. The response will be copied and might be deallocated after call.
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS in case of NULL parameters, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized) or connection config cannot be modified (already used for a connection or expected endpoint already set), SOPC_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY if OOM raised.

◆ SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetReverseConnection()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetReverseConnection ( SOPC_SecureConnection_Config * secConnConfig,
const char * clientReverseEndpointUri )

Sets the Secure Connection in reverse connection mode.

secConnConfigThe secure connection configuration to set
clientReverseEndpointUriThe client reverse endpoint URI to be used to listen for reverse connection from the server
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS in case of NULL parameters, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized) or connection config cannot be modified (already used for a connection or reverse endpoint already set), SOPC_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY if OOM raised.

◆ SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetReqLifetime()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetReqLifetime ( SOPC_SecureConnection_Config * secConnConfig,
uint32_t reqLifetime )

Defines the lifetime requested to the server for this secure connection (symmetric keys renewal) A default value is used if not set.

secConnConfigThe secure connection configuration to set
reqLifetimeRequested lifetime in millisecond for the secure channel between 2 renewal.
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS in case of NULL parameters, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized) or connection config cannot be modified (already used for a connection or reverse endpoint already set).

◆ SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificateFromPath()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificateFromPath ( SOPC_SecureConnection_Config * secConnConfig,
const char * serverCertPath )

Defines the server certificate DER file path to be used to establish the secure connection.

secConnConfigThe secure connection configuration to set
serverCertPathThe server certificate DER file path
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS in case of NULL parameters, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized) or connection config cannot be modified (already used for a connection or reverse endpoint already set), SOPC_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY if OOM raised.

◆ SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificateFromBytes()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertificateFromBytes ( SOPC_SecureConnection_Config * secConnConfig,
size_t certificateNbBytes,
const unsigned char * serverCertificate )

Defines the server certificate DER encoded bytes to be used to establish the secure connection.

secConnConfigThe secure connection configuration to set
certificateNbBytesThe server certificate DER encoded bytes size
serverCertificateThe server certificate DER encoded bytes
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS in case of NULL parameters, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized) or connection config cannot be modified (already used for a connection or reverse endpoint already set), SOPC_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY if OOM raised.

◆ SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetAnonymous()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetAnonymous ( SOPC_SecureConnection_Config * secConnConfig,
const char * userPolicyId )

Defines the user authentication mode as anonymous for the secure connection and set the associated user policy Id to be used in server.

By default, the user authentication mode is anonymous and user policy Id is ""
secConnConfigThe secure connection configuration to set
userPolicyIdThe user policy Id to be used in server for anonymous (might not be verified by server for anonymous)
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS in case of NULL parameters, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized) or connection config cannot be modified (user authentication mode already set).

◆ SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetUserName()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetUserName ( SOPC_SecureConnection_Config * secConnConfig,
const char * userPolicyId,
const char * userName,
const char * password )

Defines the user authentication mode as username/password for the secure connection, sets the associated user policy Id to be used in server and sets the username/password to be used for authentication.

secConnConfigThe secure connection configuration to set
userPolicyIdThe user policy Id to be used in server for username/password
userNameThe username to be used for authentication or NULL to be retrieved from the callback defined with SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetUserNamePasswordCallback.
passwordThe password to be used for authentication or NULL to be retrieved from the callback defined with SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_SetUserNamePasswordCallback. Note: the password should not be hardcoded string in the code.
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS in case of NULL parameters, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized) or connection config cannot be modified (user authentication mode already set).

◆ SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetUserX509FromPaths()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetUserX509FromPaths ( SOPC_SecureConnection_Config * secConnConfig,
const char * userPolicyId,
const char * userCertPath,
const char * userKeyPath,
bool encrypted )

Defines the user authentication mode as X509 certificate for the secure connection, sets the associated user policy Id to be used in server and sets the certificate/key paths to be used for authentication.

secConnConfigThe secure connection configuration to set
userPolicyIdThe user policy Id to be used in server for X509 certificate
userCertPathThe path to the user certificate file at DER format (copied by function)
userKeyPathThe path to the user key file at DER or PEM format (copied by function)
encryptedWhether if the key is encrypted or not
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS in case of NULL parameters, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized) or connection config cannot be modified (user authentication mode already set).

◆ SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetUserX509FromBytes()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetUserX509FromBytes ( SOPC_SecureConnection_Config * secConnConfig,
const char * userPolicyId,
size_t certificateNbBytes,
const unsigned char * userCertificate,
size_t keyNbBytes,
const unsigned char * userPrivateKey )

Sets asymmetrical certificate and key of user from byte arrays. Certificate shall be in DER format, key file shall be in DER or PEM format.

secConnConfigThe secure connection configuration to set
userPolicyIdThe user policy Id to be used in server for X509 certificate
certificateNbBytesNumber of bytes in clientCertificate array
userCertificateArray of bytes containing user certificate at DER format (copied by function)
keyNbBytesNumber of bytes in clientPrivateKey array
userPrivateKeyArray of bytes containing user key file at DER or PEM format (copied by function)
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, otherwise SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS if certificateNbBytes, userCertificate, keyNbBytes or userPrivateKey are invalid (0 or NULL) or SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized, key/cert pair already set).

◆ SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertUpdateCb()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_SecureConnectionConfig_SetServerCertUpdateCb ( SOPC_SecureConnection_Config * secConnConfig,
SOPC_KeyCertPairUpdateCb * serverCertUpdateCb,
uintptr_t updateParam )

Sets the callback to be called if the server certificate held by SOPC_CertHolder is updated at runtime using SOPC_KeyCertPair_UpdateFromBytes (manually called by application code). The callback content shall implement the consequence of an update on the secure connection at runtime.

It is mandatory to set this callback to allow possible call to the certificate update function SOPC_KeyCertPair_UpdateFromBytes.
secConnConfigThe secure connection configuration to set
serverCertUpdateCbThe callback to be called in case of update of server certificate configuration at runtime
updateParamThe parameter to be passed to the callback containing the necessary context
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS in case of NULL parameters, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized, callback already set, connection already finalized).

◆ SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_GetSecureConnectionConfigs()

SOPC_ReturnStatus SOPC_ClientConfigHelper_GetSecureConnectionConfigs ( size_t * nbScConfigs,
SOPC_SecureConnection_Config *** scConfigArray )

Gets the configured secure connections array.

[out]nbScConfigsThe number of secure connection configurations
[out]scConfigArrayThe array of secure connection configuration pointers
SOPC_STATUS_OK in case of success, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERS in case of NULL parameters, SOPC_STATUS_INVALID_STATE if the configuration is not possible (wrapper not initialized)